2、在地址栏输入 about:config
3、查找 browser.cache.disk.parent_directory
4、如果没有找到 browser.cache.disk.parent_directory,则新建这个"字符串"
5、修改到你需要存放的位置,例如我修改到 E:\TEMP_Firefox
6、重新启动 Firefox 程序
7、在地址栏输入 about:cache,可以发现Cache位置已经成功修改
Cache Directory: E:\TEMP_Firefox

Key: Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\interfaceGUID
类型: REG_DWORD—数字
参数范围: 0–255
缺省值: 2
如果将该值设置为 1,每个数据包被认可立即原因是只有一个未完成的 TCP ACK 如刚刚收到一条线段。 0 (零) 的值是无效,并将被视为默认值 2。 未收到一条线段和主机不打算确认数据时唯一 ACK 数字为 0 的时间。
Description: Specifies the number of ACKs that will be outstanding before the delayed ACK timer is ignored. Microsoft does not recommend changing this value from the default without careful study of the environment.
此参数适用于 Microsoft Windows Server 2003以及以后版本
0193852201 "193"是铁通的IP接入码,说明这电话是外地的铁通IP打过来的.
+1951101 中国移动(195)传输的从美国(1)来的经经京(10)第一(1)国际局的来电.
+1931201 中国联通(193)传输的从美国(1)来的经广州(20)第一(1)国际局的来电.
0190852202 中国电信(190)传输的从香港(852)来的经广州(20)第二(2)国际局的来电.

Oracle/PLSQL: Execute a function that is defined in a package
Question: How can I execute a function that is defined in a package using Oracle/PLSQL?
Answer: To execute a function that is defined in a package, you'll have to prefix the function name with the package name.
package_name.function_name (parameter1, parameter2, ... parameter_n)
You can execute a function a few different ways.
Solution #1
First, we'll take a look at how to execute a function using a test block. Below we've declared a variable called result that is a number. We've passed in a value of 15000 into the function and the result of the function will be returned to the variable called result.
result number;
-- Call the function
result := package_name.function_name (15000);
Solution #2
We can also execute a function by running an SQL statement. For example:
select package_name.function_name (15000)
from dual;

输入用户、密码、tnsname -> 连接9i, 10g、11g数据库 -> 选择schema、代码类型 -> 选择代码->Unwrap
直接将加密过的代码输入到wrap text编辑框中(仅10g、11g)->Unwrap

来源: http://www.hellodba.com/Download/Unwrap_PLSQL.html